Kim says 31/12/2013 at 13:26 Haha thanks, great video! Hope you have a lot of fun tonight 🙂 Beantwoorden
Lelie // A Bouquet of Buttons says 01/01/2014 at 13:13 Thanks! I hope you had a great party! Beantwoorden
Lelie // A Bouquet of Buttons says 01/01/2014 at 13:14 Heerlijk eh! Ze maakt nog andere zalig liedjes. Ik weet wie ik met stip wil zien in 2014 🙂 Beantwoorden
Fleur says 31/12/2013 at 14:57 That music video is amazing! I think it sums up my party experiences (minus the crying) pretty well! Happy New Year. Beantwoorden
Lelie // A Bouquet of Buttons says 01/01/2014 at 13:15 I know! I’m in love with this band. In 2014 I have to see them live 🙂 Beantwoorden
grtescp says 31/12/2013 at 22:09 lol – I hope you find a better bunch to party with 🙂 Happy new year Beantwoorden
Lelie // A Bouquet of Buttons says 01/01/2014 at 13:17 Luckely I did. There were many people dancing like Beyoné but I didn’t catch an “face down on the floor”-moments 🙂 Happy new year Beantwoorden
Kim says
Haha thanks, great video! Hope you have a lot of fun tonight 🙂
Lelie // A Bouquet of Buttons says
Thanks! I hope you had a great party!
Helena says
The same toyou! See you next year.
poweredbyflowers says
ZALIG clipje, maakte mijn dag helemaal goed 🙂
Lelie // A Bouquet of Buttons says
Heerlijk eh! Ze maakt nog andere zalig liedjes. Ik weet wie ik met stip wil zien in 2014 🙂
Fleur says
That music video is amazing! I think it sums up my party experiences (minus the crying) pretty well! Happy New Year.
Lelie // A Bouquet of Buttons says
I know! I’m in love with this band. In 2014 I have to see them live 🙂
grtescp says
lol – I hope you find a better bunch to party with 🙂 Happy new year
Lelie // A Bouquet of Buttons says
Luckely I did. There were many people dancing like Beyoné but I didn’t catch an “face down on the floor”-moments 🙂 Happy new year